Turbo Charge Your Credit

1 (833) 497-0184

Our Program

Preferred Customer Visa

An Excellent Start

Starting off with the pre paid Visa card can help you create good spending habits and prepare you for an unsecured credit card down the road.

Build an R1 Rating

Making an on time payment every month ensures your credit card stays at an R1 rating which is the best rating for your credit report. With the pre paid Visa card you don’t have to worry about overspending or missing payments.

Be Careful

If you can’t afford it in cash or off your debit card, you definitely can’t afford it on your credit card.

Live Credit Experts

Our experts go to work negotiating & settling with creditors to reduce collectible debt up to 80%.

This takes a lot of work and a fair amount of back and forth with creditors.

Within 3 months, we have the improved credit score you need.

We will also remove any errors or expired accounts on your credit report

Reduce and Eliminate

Be Different

Most Canadians don’t know that their collections can
be negotiated, reduced and in many cases removed.

Unlock Financial Options

Owing debts in collections is a red flag to every lender. Reducing and removing collections can help improve your chances of getting approved for financing (mortgages, car loans, personal loans etc…)

Regain Control

It’s very common to see your credit score improve when a collection’s account is removed. Make the decision to improve your credit, and we will help you every step of the way.

No Credit Check

Program Features

  • Get a Preferred Customer Visa (Reloadable Card)
  • Remove Errors and Expired Accounts
  • Settle Debts in Collections
  • $19.99 weekly member payments (Cancel Anytime)
  • Upon submitting your purchase application, your first 19.99 $ weekly member payment will be debited on the nearest Friday, and continue until customer is satisfied with the results of the credit repair program. Customer can use the credit repair program services as long as needed and cancel anytime.